Self- Assessment

Self Assessment

Throughout this English semester, I had ups and downs in each part of this course. At the beginning of the semester, I only had the knowledge I gained from my years in high school and I was not used to writing essays with different genres other than persuasive essays that didn’t have a certain amount of words or pages needed. However, here in college, we have to write way more and have to write with a mandatory amount of pages and words. Also, different types of essays here in college are expected. When I first entered college this fall, I set extremely high standards for myself to make sure I do good in this class along with other classes. I wanted to make sure I did all the assignments in this class and to reach my professors expectations of her students.

When we did our first essay, I thought it was really easy. It wasn’t challenging at all for me. I felt very confident writing that piece. It was Literacy Language narrative. I wrote about how I developed my Literacy Language skills in elementary school. It wasn’t a research paper, so I basically had fun and enjoyed writing that essay. Also the page and word requirements was not much. Therefore, I was confident in turning that in. I reached my expectations for that because the professor gave a really good feedback.

Our next essay was the Discovery essay. Now, this one was a challenge for me. Research papers are my weakness and I struggled with that a lot. I took this opportunity to challenge myself as an individual and to see where it leads me to if I do well or not. Also we had to write at least 4 pages and 1000 words. Those numbers made me feel unconfident and I was not sure if I can do this or not. However, I told myself not to get discouraged so easily and to keep going no matter what. When my professor 1 on 1 interviewed me on my Discovery essay, I had many mistakes and cited a lot of evidence that was not really relevant to my topic. I was disappointed in myself but I told myself it’s okay to make mistakes because this is all part of learning and growing as a student and person. After all this, I successfully managed to get this done and I was proud of myself for writing 4 pages and around 1000 words.

The next project in this class wasn’t an essay, it was a project genre choice of our own that was based on our Discovery essay topic. This wasn’t challenging for me because I was familiar in knowing how to do this. I did a google slides and a twitter thread. But I did developed more skills and knowledge from the Discovery essay. I felt as if that essay made me learn more on what I struggle with and what needs to be worked on. I also learned how to cite evidence properly and the pages too.